Service Checks

For these KaVo products, we offer service checks as standard.

Scope of services:

  • Surgical motor: Cleaning and functional test
  • Check the current consumption
  • Surgical hoses: Cleaning and functional test
  • Motor electronics: Functional test and adjustment
  • Software update: Update to most current software
  • Hose pump: Check and power adjustment of hose pump
  • Check sensor coolant hose
  • Check display and touch function
  • Foot-operation element: Check of mechanical and electrical functions
  • Calibration: Calibration of speed and torque
  • Implementation of the safety checks according to VDE 0751/1

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Scope of services:

  • Surgical motor: Cleaning and functional test
  • Surgical hoses: Cleaning and functional test
  • Motor electronics: Functional test and adjustment
  • Software update: Update to most current software
  • Hose pump: Check and power adjustment of hose pump 1 and, if applicable, hose pump 2 
  • Optional air connector for INTRAsurg 1000: Check and adjustment of air pressure parameters
  • Data transmission for the INTRAsurg 1000: Check of data output to PC
  • Foot-operation element: Check of mechanical and electrical functions
  • Calibration: Calibration of speed and torque
  • Implementation of the obligatory annual safety checks according to VDE 0751/1

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Services included:

  • Parts subject to wear: Replacement of various parts subject to wear, in line with their current value, e.g. oil/air hoses, O-rings, washers, housing bases
  • Cleaning: Unit is disassembled, cleaned and disinfected
  • Inspection: Electrical contacts, cables, insulation and oil sensor are inspected
  • Functional test: Testing of functionality (test instructions: 1.009.9540)
  • Safety check: Checking in accordance with BGV A3 (DIN VDE 0701-1)

Service Check bestellen

Scope of service:

  • Clean the optics
  • Check the latest technical stand and rebuild if necessary
  • Device detection/ Check control buttons
  • Check tip functions – Switching capacity, light guide, cracks, splice
  • Check heating of the optics
  • Check image quality with boundary parts
  • Laser power check and adjust if necessary
  • Timer check and adjust if necessary
  • Timeout check and adjust if necessary
  • Check tray switch

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