KaVo original new cushion set instead of replacement cushion.
KaVo original new upholstery is the best way to refresh your KaVo equipment. With a new KaVo original upholstery your treatment unit will look and feel as good as new! While other replacement upholstery is only foamed and newly covered, our KaVo original upholstery is completely new and not only attractive to look at, but attractively priced too.
Order the upholstery set:
- Are you still uncertain about the right color? KaVo upholstery colors will certainly help you.
- The set of painted components will be delivered within two weeks to the specified address, ideally right to your dental office.
RELAXline soft upholstery
Standard upholstery
Further upholstery colors
(can be ordered while stocks of reference material last)
Please note: Print colours do not reproduce a surface that is true to the colour. (Request a KaVo colour chart!)
All treatment units are supplied with dental white lacquered parts as standard.
(No) Comparison: Comfort and aesthetics!
In contrast to other providers the new original KaVo upholstery is wholly manufactured with new skai material in your preferred color.
Unlike other approaches no overhangs arise, no wrinkles and no deformations (caused by glued on foam) appear. Everything complies with the original equipment quality.