
Testimonial series


Introduction of Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassiny from New Zealand and his family-owned business with many KaVo products.

Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassiny, a dentist from New Zealand, is the founder of the Institute of Digital Dentistry. Many may recognize him from social media, where he frequently reviews digital dentistry equipment. Discover his insights on KaVo’s dental products, which he and his team have been using in their daily practice for many years.


A long time KaVo user

Dentistry is already a high-stress job, so you don't need additional stress from your dental equipment.

Watch the video to hear what Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassiny from New Zealand appreciates about the highly reliable KaVo products, from treatment units to instruments and everything in between.

KaVo uniQa™

In a league of its own – the first treatment unit in the premium compact class.

Dental Instruments

Quality that is obvious.

The best product for every application – KaVo instruments are high quality, durable, and innovative. Get informed!

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