
Hygiene of the KaVo dental units

Convenient hygiene processes

The optimal hygiene process is simple, effortless and absolutely safe with the KaVo dental units:

  • Key components can be easily removed for germ reduction, 
  • the surfaces are easy to clean 
  • and rinsing of the instrument hoses is automated.

Safe hygiene made easy.

A hygiene centre is integrated into the unit body of the KaVo dental units for reliable cleaning and germ reduction of the instrument hoses. The instrument hoses are placed here for easy automatic rinsing. 

The hygiene centre also includes taps for manually rinsing the suction hoses with clear water. It is removable and thermodisinfectable

The automated HYDROclean program cleans the drainage and separation systems effortlessly and is automatically combined with the instrument rinsing programs. As such, the dental unit makes your suction system more durable.

The KaVo Hygiene Videos

Everything you need to know about the hygienic preparation and care of KaVo dental units.

Optimal protection against contamination

The KaVo dental unit also makes protecting against contamination a breeze. Continuous germ reduction with KaVo OXYGENAL 6 ensures that no microorganisms can spread during normal practice operations. 

With the intensive germ reduction program (“Weekly” cleaning program), you can protect your patients against microorganisms that can form during downtimes such as weekends or holidays, and also ensure that the cooling and rinsing fluids are of impeccable quality

Automatic rinsing program

The pre-programmed cleaning protocols provide thorough assistance with running your KaVo dental unit – in accordance with RKI specifications. The hygiene guide takes you through preparing the unit step by step – whether after treatment, in the morning, in the evening or on a weekly basis. The programs then take care of rinsing and cleaning the instrument hoses by themselves.

Safety, hygiene and flexibility – no exceptions, no compromises. With DVGW water block.

KaVo is setting new standards for the centrepiece of the dental unit with its next-generation water technology. The DVGW water block supplies spray and rinsing water for the instruments and the patient, and automatically dispenses the correct concentration of KaVo OXYGENAL 6. 

The cascade design of the water block, prevents water from the dental unit from flowing back into the drinking water system. This maintains the quality of your water supply while consistently meeting the exacting DVGW standards. The cascade path is also cleaned by flooding the collecting basin with KaVo OXYGENAL 6 concentrate. 

This enables the highest levels of hygiene and safety for your patients.

Protected water supply system

KaVo instruments and motors have an anti-reflux system that prevents contaminated spray water from being sucked into the dental unit. This protects the water supply system

Time-saving: The ready-to-use KaVo DEKASEPTOL Gel can be applied straight into the suction hoses and systems. The special advantage of this is that the gel adheres to the critical points instead of just being rinsed through.

Safe hygiene can be so simple.

Handles, instrument holders, spittoon bowls, swing arms and silicone mats are easy to remove and disinfect. The upper and lower sections of the housing are completely closed so that no dirt can get into your dental unit. The hygienic handle allows the suction filters to be changed easily and safely