
Warranty Information

The KaVo Guarantee

KaVo guarantees our products when originally purchased from an authorized KaVo dealer in new and unused condition, for the period of time specified below. The product will not fail during normal service due to defects in material and workmanship. KaVo warranties that all repairs, which are performed by KaVo certified technicians, are repaired with authentic KaVo parts. Warranties are non-transferable.

KaVo Original Parts

When repairing equipment and handpieces through a different repair service, choose KaVo Original Parts. Original parts are manufactured to the same standards as your original purchase, which means better performance, durability, and safety. Alternate choices may not have all the innovation that KaVo puts into its products, like computer balanced turbines and two-piece carbide chuck sleeves. Restore your KaVo equipment to the standards by which it was originally manufactured.

Manufacturer Warranty

KaVo Dental warrants its products to the original purchaser against defective workmanship and materials under normal procedures of installation, use and service within the dental profession for a period of 90 days from the date of sale. Warranty period begins no later than dealer invoice date.

Warranty Department Information

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 6:00pm (EST)
1-888-ASK-KAVO (1-888-528-6872)

Contact Us

These KaVo products contain further warranty terms:

Cellular Optic Glass Rod in all High-speed, Low-speed & SONICflex™5 years
COMFORTdrive™ 200 XDR2.5 years*
COMFORTdrive™3 years
DIAGNOdent pen (except tips, tubing and display)1 year
ELECTROmatic (control box, tubing, motor) 3 years*
ELECTROmatic Tubing (KL703 LED or COMFORTbase sold separately)1 year
EXPERT Series (E679 L, E675 LMW, E675 L)2.5 years**
ELECTROtorque™ TLC / ELECTROtorque plus (control box, tubing, motor)3 years
INTRAflex LUX 1 year
Low-speed Air Motors1 year
MASTERmatic™, EXPERTmatic™, INTRA LUX™ heads2.5 Years**
MASTERtorque™ M8900 L and M87002.5 years*
MASTERsurg™ / EXPERTsurg™ and surgical handpieces1 year
MULTIflex™ Couplers1 year
PROPHYflex 3/4™1 year
PROPHYwiz™1 year
QUATTROcare Plus*1 year
Repairs on Low-speed Heads, Attachments and High-speed, Attachments (if repaired at an
authorized KaVo repair center)
1 year
RONDOflex™ plus1 year
SMARTmatic1 year
SMARTtorque™ S619 L, S619C, S615L, S609C, S605C, S459 L, S459 C1 year
SONICflex™ / SONICflex LUX™1 year
Tubings (all other types)1 year
Turbines (if handpiece repaired at an authorized KaVo repair center or repaired in office)1 year


Additional Warranty terms apply. See product warranty card.
*When sold as a system
** 2.5 year warranty if maintained with KaVo QUATTROcare Plus, if not maintained with QUATTROcare Plus the standard warranty of 2 years applies. 2.5 Warranty with QUATTROcare is valid in USA only.

Genuine Turbines

Genuine KaVo turbines are individually balanced and electronically tested to meet the highest concentricity requirements. Properly balanced turbines leads to lower noise during use. There is never a reason to settle for less than exceptional performance and service from your KaVo handpiece. To maintain your KaVo warranty, have your handpieces and small equipment serviced through KaVo.