
Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 1

Preparatory steps for the reprocessing procedure

Before starting the mechanical or manual reprocessing procedure of your dental instruments, please follow the preparatory steps:

To minimise the risk of infection, always wear protective gloves.

Remove the bur from the chucking system.

Remove the instrument from the motor coupling or the turbine from the quick coupling.

Instruments with interchangeable heads: remove the heads from the base for separate reprocessing.

Wipe the outside of instruments immediately after the end of the treatment with an approved disinfectant.

KaVo Tips and Hints

Hygiene – The easy way...

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Hygiene Treatment Units

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Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 1

Reading duration: 3 minutes

Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 2

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Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 3

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Hygiene – The easy way...

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Hygiene Treatment Units

Reading duration: 8 minutes

Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 1

Reading duration: 3 minutes

Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 2

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Reprocessing KaVo Instruments Part 3

Reading duration: 5 minutes

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Tyto stránky a na nich dále obsažené informace jsou určeny odborným pracovníkům ve zdravotnictví a nejsou určeny široké - laické - veřejnosti.

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