KaVo Studio - By professionals for professionals.

Information and knowledge sharing are what the new KaVo Studio is all about.

Professional presentations and the sharing of knowledge via digital channels is increasingly becoming the norm. KaVo has the perfect solution: KaVo Studio.

High quality photos, videos, live streams and podcasts have been available on this platform since March 2021. KaVo is therefore well-placed to meet the demands and trends quickly and efficiently in terms of both digital implementation and media communication.

Meanwhile, the KaVo Studio has become the hub for continuous education at the KaVo Campus – where the digital elements of continued learning are brought to life here, true to the motto of "Learning Excellence”. Retail partners are provided with modern and flexible training using the state-of-the-art "KaVo Blended Learning" educational concept to ensure premium levels of advice and service, both now and in the future..

Weitere News:

KaVo & Planmeca – Stronger together

KaVo wprowadza na rynek 4 nowe produkty.

Otwarcie nowego salonu pokazowego KaVo i Planmeca w Warszawie

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