

As a pioneer and driver of innovation at the forefront of manufacturers in the international dental industry, we believe that acting responsibly, sustainably and lawfully is essential. We have set out the ethical basis for our actions in our Global Code of Conduct. We are actively committed to an open corporate culture and high ethical standards. We practice our corporate values to the full and promote trusting, fair and honest working partnerships. Our top priority is the safety and respect of all those affected by our business activities, as they play a key role in our success.



A responsible, trustworthy partner

We are a dependable partner wherever we operate and work with an extensive network of distributors and specialist trade partners around the world. Our suppliers are carefully selected with regard to safety and environmental awareness.

We expect our stakeholders along the entire supply chain to comply with our principles of conduct, our policies and their due diligence obligations under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Global Code of Conduct for Sales Partners and Suppliers

Whistleblower procedure

KaVo Dental’s whistleblower system is used to provide information about specific or possible legal violations within the company. Employees, customers and business partners of KaVo Dental can confidentially submit information about unlawful conduct and criminal acts.

Information about risks and violations of human rights or environmental protection can also be reported through this complaints channel within the framework of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. 

This allows risks to be identified at an early stage, addressed and, if necessary, appropriately remedied. It is an important tool for upholding high ethical standards and maintaining the trust of our customers and the public.

You do not have to provide any evidence of your suspicions, but all reports must be made in good faith.

Legislativní nařízení

Tyto stránky a na nich dále obsažené informace jsou určeny odborným pracovníkům ve zdravotnictví a nejsou určeny široké - laické - veřejnosti.

Pokračováním v používání těchto stránek potvrzujete, že jste odborníkem ve smyslu §2a zákona č. 40/1995 Sb., o regulaci reklamy, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a že jste si vědom(a) rizik, která jsou spojena s tím, že se seznámíte s informacemi takto určenými pro případ, že odborníkem nejste.

NE - nejsem odborníkem