
Human rights

Since 1 January 2024, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG) has required companies in Germany with 1,000 or more employees to take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified human rights and environmental due diligence obligations are met in their supply chains. This includes KaVo Dental GmbH. The aim is to prevent and minimise risks to human rights or the environment, and to end the violation of human rights or environmental obligations. 

We take our responsibility seriously and are committed to respecting human rights in our own business operations and in our global supply and value chains and to providing those affected with access to redress in the event of human rights violations. In doing so, we align our business activities with the internationally recognised UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We implement the requirements of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP) as applicable in Germany and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Our Human Rights Officer Klaus Reisenauer and our Compliance department are the points of contact for matters relating to compliance with due diligence obligations. They are continually developing the system for compliance with due diligence obligations. 



A united force for human rights

We uphold our social commitment with the help of sustainable supply chain management. As part of this, our suppliers are subject to minimum requirements in terms of environmental protection, human rights and fair labour and business practices. These are an integral part of our Global Code of Conduct for Sales Partners and Suppliers.


Complaints procedure

KaVo has set up a reporting channel for all employees and third parties. All employees of our company, employees of our business partners and other third parties can report any risks or grievances relating to the scope of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act confidentially and anonymously, if desired. 


Deliberate false reporting

Intentionally making false reports with malicious intent constitutes serious misconduct, which will lead to investigations and disciplinary measures. Implementing such measures as a consequence of deliberate false reporting does not constitute retaliation.

Rules of procedure:

Anyone can use the whistleblower channel to confidentially and anonymously report any observed or suspected risks or violations of human rights or environmental due diligence obligations. 

Access the whistleblower reporting channel:

  • The responsible employees receive training and are made aware of issues relating to the handling of confidential matters and personal data. 
  • If necessary, names are anonymised or pseudonymised in order to protect whistleblowers. 
  • KaVo Dental uses a protected environment to process information and reports and to communicate with whistleblowers, so that third parties cannot access documents, listen in on conversations or otherwise obtain information.
  • Even after the procedure has been completed, no information will be passed on if this is necessary to protect the whistleblower. 
  • As far as possible, the Complaints Office will remain in contact with the whistleblower throughout the entire procedure and will give them the opportunity to report any discrimination or punishment that occurs even after the procedure has ended.
  1. Receipt of the complaint

Once a report has been submitted, its receipt is documented by the Complaints Office and the whistleblower will receive confirmation of receipt within seven days.

  1. Examination of the complaint

The first step is to check whether the report falls within the scope of the whistleblower procedure. 

If this review determines that the report does not fall within the scope, it is passed on to the responsible department within the company. If possible, this department will keep the whistleblower up to date on the onward process. 

If the report is not deemed to be significant, it will not be processed and the whistleblower will be informed of this, with reasons given if possible. 

If the review shows that the information falls within the scope of this complaints procedure, it will be processed as described below.

  1. Establishing the facts, rectification and prevention

The Complaints Office will investigate the matter, take follow-up action or, if necessary, forward the information to be processed by the relevant department within the company, while respecting the principle of confidentiality and data protection. 

If necessary, and as far as possible in the case of anonymous reports, the Complaints Office or the responsible department will discuss the facts of the case with the whistleblower and, if necessary, request further information.

If the investigation of the case confirms, in the opinion of the Complaints Office or the responsible department, that there are no risks to human rights or the environment or violations of human rights or environmental obligations in its business area or among its suppliers, the case will be closed and the whistleblower informed accordingly.

If the Complaints Office or responsible department believe the investigation reveals that there are risks to human rights or the environment or violations of human rights or environmental obligations within in its own business operations or among its suppliers, a potential solution for action will be devised. The whistleblower shall be involved in this process as far as this is possible and reasonable.

This includes the preventive and remedial measures needed to minimise or end violations and/or risks.

The whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner, WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre. The communication channel is encrypted and password-protected. All messages are processed confidentially. The Complaints Office is located at Planmeca and works together with specially selected and trained employees at KaVo Dental in the event of complaints in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Should further processing by an internal department at KaVo be necessary, we have taken precautions to ensure the confidentiality of whistleblowers’ identity and the protection of personal data.

The effectiveness of the complaints procedure is reviewed once a year or on an ad hoc basis. If necessary, adjustments are made to the procedure or corrective measures taken.

As part of the company’s internal documentation obligations, complaints received, the implementation of preventive and corrective measures and their effectiveness are documented on an ongoing basis.

Complaints are stored for seven years in accordance with Section 10 (1) (2) of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Legislativní nařízení

Tyto stránky a na nich dále obsažené informace jsou určeny odborným pracovníkům ve zdravotnictví a nejsou určeny široké - laické - veřejnosti.

Pokračováním v používání těchto stránek potvrzujete, že jste odborníkem ve smyslu §2a zákona č. 40/1995 Sb., o regulaci reklamy, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a že jste si vědom(a) rizik, která jsou spojena s tím, že se seznámíte s informacemi takto určenými pro případ, že odborníkem nejste.

NE - nejsem odborníkem