

Dental excellence in every treatment situation – KaVo instruments deliver every time.

Today's dentistry encompasses a vast range of procedures – and each one you undertake requires specific instrumentation that you can fully rely on. 

Regardless of whether you want to create restorations, treat complex endodontic conditions or perform surgery: KaVo offers the right instrument for any challenge with the reassurance of the highest KaVo quality. From the versatile KaVo SONICflex air scaler to surgical highlights, such as the KaVo SURGmatic S15 L.

Comprehensive product range for numerous indications.


Perfect prophylaxis thanks to the integrated workflow.

KaVo offers everything you need to create a holistic, efficient, effortless prophylaxis workflow that also conforms to the highest standards – for satisfying prophylaxis results that inspire you and impress your patients.

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The new standard in dental surgery.

The KaVo portfolio is vast - offering high-quality and innovative instrumentation for any dentists who perform maxillofacial surgery. KaVo's dedicated surgical range - such as the KaVo MASTERsurg, KaVo EXPERTsurg or the KaVo SURGmatic handpieces - is designed to deliver the highest levels of performance and features required for the exacting standards of surgical work. Complex surgical procedures will be comfortable and efficient thanks to KaVo's high-torque drives and diverse high-quality solutions.

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KaVo Diagnostics

Reliable early detection of caries with KaVo diagnostics.

Detect caries early and efficiently: KaVo's state-of-the-art diagnostics make it easy.

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Care and Cleaning

Be assured of the best preparation.

There are no compromises when it comes to the effective processing of dental instruments – play it safe with KaVo.

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Dental excellence in any indication demands expertise.

All KaVo instruments designed for a specific indication are developed with experts from that particular field. Standard instruments offer a limited solution but at KaVo, we're producing instruments that will help you master treatment situations with more intelligent solutions and smart details.

Rely on KaVo's power for efficient surgical interventions and implants, and on KaVo's proven precision for endodontics or restorations. 

You'll never miss out: You will always experience the KaVo difference; the feeling of safety and comfort in any and every procedure.

KaVo Restoration.

Restoration made easy with KaVo RONDOflex plus and KaVo SONICflex

From primary, secondary and wall dissections to finishing: KaVo provides everything you need to ensure that your restorations provide lasting satisfaction. It doesn't matter whether you are opening a cavity, performing caries excavation or designing fillings. The KaVo restoration instruments allow you to achieve precise treatment outcomes, even when dealing with the most demanding cases..

All KaVo Products for Restoration 

KaVo Prophylaxis.

Perfect prophylaxis thanks to the integrated workflow.

KaVo offers everything you need to create a holistic, efficient, effortless prophylaxis workflow that also conforms to the highest standards – for satisfying prophylaxis results that inspire you and impress your patients.

All KaVo Prophylaxis Products

KaVo Surgery.

The new standard in dental surgery.

The KaVo portfolio is vast - offering high-quality and innovative instrumentation for any dentists who perform maxillofacial surgery. KaVo's dedicated surgical range - such as the KaVo MASTERsurg, KaVo EXPERTsurg or the KaVo SURGmatic handpieces - is designed to deliver the highest levels of performance and features required for the exacting standards of surgical work.

Complex surgicalprocedures will be comfortable and efficient thanks to KaVo's high-torque drives and diverse high-quality solutions.

All KaVo Surgery Products

KaVo Endodontics.

Precision down to every tip – endodontics for professionals Made by KaVo

The ultimate performance – KaVo endodontic instruments are characterised by maximum precision, which makes them the ideal complement to your excellent instinct. 

During root canal treatments or vital extractions: Dentists are well prepared for all challenges with KaVo endodontic instruments.

All KaVo Endodontics Products

KaVo Diagnostics.

The basis for every treatment: Efficient diagnosis with KaVo.

Reliable diagnostics are the basis for optimal treatment. KaVo diagnostics combine cutting-edge technology with user-friendliness and quality. This will allow you to tackle every challenge - large or small - with confidence. 

Find out more about diagnostics with KaVo here.

All KaVo Diagnostics Products

KaVo Hygiene. 

Essential for every application. So effective and easy with KaVo: Hygiene.

Cleaning and caring for instruments is a very important part of the treatment routine. A safe hand efficient hygiene process is essential. 

When it comes to hygiene safety, KaVo is on point – with smart and comprehensive solutions that make hygiene in your dental practice effortless, quick and easy. Find out more here.

All KaVo Hygiene Products

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