
Hygiene at KaVo ESTETICA E30

Absolutely clean and fully protected.

Thorough and reliable cleaning of your KaVo ESTETICA E30 is easy. That components are removable, such as the spittoon bowl, swing arm and silicone pad, is important for rapid and improved hygiene. Easy filter replacement and easily cleaned surfaces ensure the efficiency of hygiene and afford significant time savings.

KaVo hygiene video.

Everything you need to know about the hygiene procedure and care of the ESTETICA E30 dental chair.

Perfect protection of your investment at all times.

The high quality of its components, its flexibility and the efficient service functions ensure the long-lasting safe service life of the KaVo ESTETICA E30.

Disinfection without compromise is afforded by removable components, such as the silicone pad, handpiece holders and spittoon bowl and the easy filter change.

Ambitious goals for your surgery hygiene.

The KaVo ESTETICA E30 meets the strict DVGW requirements. The permanent germ reduction function with water bottle and KaVo OXYGENAL 6 ensures hygienic safety in daily operation. For even greater hygiene, use the additional integrated intensive germ reduction. Used in combination, the two functions ensure the permanent reduction of pathogens.



For the sake of the environment – efficient cleaning and disinfection with DEKASEPTOL The biologically degradable DEKASEPTOL disinfection gel is an efficient and reliable means for daily hygiene of the suction systems.



Safe hygiene with the additional intensive germ reduction.

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