
Tips for prolonging the service life of your handpieces.

We are working continuously to increase the satisfaction of our customers even further and hope that this information helps you prolong the service life of your rotating handpieces and instruments.

If you are aware of typical servicing errors from your everyday routine or if you see any need for more detailed explanation of any topic, please get in contact with us. Thank you!

Instrument preparation instruction in the video.

KaVo offers detailed instrument preparation instructions for all dental KaVo instruments in this video:

  • External and internal cleaning
  • Internal disinfection
  • Manual maintenance and cleaning
  • Sterilisation

KaVo Tips and Hints

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 2

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 3

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 4

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 1

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 2

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 3

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 4

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 1

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 2

Reading duration: 5 minutes

Tips for extending the life of your instruments - Part 3

Reading duration: 5 minutes

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